Our Approach
"When I am in that dark abyss, I want someone comforting, yet skilled.
I want someone to listen and to “get” me, but I don’t want them to
disempower me in the process. I don’t want someone who thinks
they are better than me because they “have a degree”. I want someone
that I can collaborate with to get new ways of looking at things,
or that I can trust when they are guiding me to look at deeper issues
within myself. I don’t want to be diagnosed; I want someone to see that
hidden spark that I am and to help me reignite that flame. And it would
be helpful if they had a sense of humor, a creative way of
working with me and fur." - Mr. Jake the Great White Horse
As a trained family therapist, I often see the world
through a family systems viewing lens. This means
that I am often looking at attachments to
families of origin, how family histories
may be affecting today's struggles,
and how we can recreate an authentic relationship
with ourselves and within our family systems.
Please Reach out Below or schedule a free
30 minute consult to learn more...